Ahad 13 Sep 2015 11:15 WIB

KRI Bung Tomo-357 in India before Lebanon

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Syaiful Arif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Warship of Republic of Indonesia (KRI) Bung Tomo-357 which carried 107 Navy personnel from of TNI Maritime Task Force Garuda Contingent XXVIIIH/Unifil Lebanon arrived in Cochin Port, India.

"Cochin Port is the first port to visit before heading to Lebanon. The arrival of the KRI in India on Tuesday (8/9) was greeted," said Marine Lt. Col. Maman Sulaeman, in Surabaya, Thursday (10/9) ,

The information received from the TNI Maritime Task Force Information Konga XXVIII-H/UNIFIL-2015 stated that KRI Bung Tomo-357 conducted final preparations in Belawan Port, then moved through Strait of Malacca and entered the Indian Ocean with thousands of meters depth. International shipping lanes in Strait of Malacca to Sri Lanka is a crowded shipping lanes which always be passed by the large ships.

Throughout the cruise, commander of KRI Bung Tomo-357, Maritime Col (P) Yayan Sofiyan, always led various exercises to increase the professionalism of his soldiers while recognizing the technical readiness of various equipment on board.

"Exercise is like our breath, only by soldiers who are professional, well trained and have high competence, the warship must be manned," said Col. Yayan Sofiyan.

To maintain stamina and mental condition of the soldiers, every day they held exercise. A friendly game of volleyball and badminton among soldiers of KRI Bung Tomo-357 was a manifestation of a diplomatic mission that were successfully implemented to enhance good relations among the navy.

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