Ahad 13 Sep 2015 12:45 WIB

Asia approves higher education standards proposal from Indonesia

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Susahnya menjadi sarjana bagi kalangan tak mampu di negeri ini (ilustrasi).
Foto: zonaberita.com
Susahnya menjadi sarjana bagi kalangan tak mampu di negeri ini (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR -- The 26th General Assembly of Asia Parliament (AIPA) approved a proposal from Indonesia regarding higher education standards in Asia and protection of elderly people. Both proposal was approved and will soon be followed up.

"Thank God, both proposals were accepted, because before the trial we've talked about it, especially regarding the protection of elderly people. Most member of delegation were women who understand the importance of health and protection of the elderly," said member of Indonesian Parliament Delegation, Nihayatul Wafiroh, Wednesday (9/9).

Indonesia proposed that higher education in Asia can have the same standards and can be done in cooperation with other universities. So that, higher education given to the citizens can be equal.

"With the support of the AIPA, we hope not only Indonesia but also all Asian country's citizens could get higher education," she added.

Regarding the protection of the elderly, she thought it will benefit for Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia has a large population and it will come a time when the composition of the elderly will dominate.

"We have to think, how we can make elderly people to have a good productivity and we still can protect them," he said.

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