Ahad 20 Sep 2015 19:48 WIB

Local components for aircraft industry still low

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Saleh Husin
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Saleh Husin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin, said local components for aircraft industry in Indonesia was still low at about 40 percent. According to the plan, Ministry of Industry will continue to increase the local component in industrial sector to 60 percent within the next five years.

Saleh explained, one of the government's efforts to realize the program was by building N-219 aircraft and targeting Domestic Component (DCL) of 60 percent. According to him, the N-219 aircraft will support connectivity in remote areas in Indonesia.

"It is expected that manufacture of aircraft is able to become the motor of growth in domestic component of industry," said Saleh, in Jakarta, Sunday (20/9).

Saleh added that Ministry of Industry continues to facilitate synergy between national component of industry that has potential to make aircraft components with PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. In addition, the government also seeks to facilitate national aircraft components in order to obtain international certification.

"We are also monitoring the development of N-219 aircraft components and establish foreign cooperation to develop the capacity of the national aircraft industry components," he added.

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