Ahad 20 Sep 2015 20:06 WIB

Ministry of Trade revokes 38 import and export licenses

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Trade has revoked 38 export and import licenses from a total of 121 licenses, in the deregulation packaged of September 2015. In the package launched by President Joko Widodo, the Ministry of Trade was mandated to carry out the relaxation of export and import licensing.

Leader of Deregulation of Trade Team, Arlinda Imbang Jaya, said there were 121 export and import licenses in the Ministry of Trade. 74 of them involved the recommendation of the ministries/institutions.

To relax the licensing of export and import in the deregulation packaged of September 2015, the Ministry of Trade has revoked 38 import and export licenses which consisted of 4 registered export licenses, 21 registered import licenses, and 13 manufactured import licenses.

"Thus, for the licensing of export and import we have cut about 31.4 percent," said Arlinda in Jakarta, Friday (18/9).

Arlinda explained, for importers, the Ministry of Trade gave leeway by revoking registered export licenses and registered import licenses. The importers could use only importer identification number which has been applied to the general importers and importers manufacturers.

However, the importers were required to include a Certificate of Inclusion Label in Indonesian (SKPLBI) for all imported products. Installation of the label must be made before the product enters the port in Indonesia.

Importers and exporters also have to coordinate with the Indonesian National Single Window (INSW) to conduct post-audit with the ministries/institutions.

Arlinda said, this package was expected to support the flow of exports and imports of goods, distribution of goods in the country and enhance the healthy business climate and competitiveness. The deregulation was not finalized and was scheduled to be completed in late September 2015.

"This strategic effort aims to prevent a surge in imports, so that we retain labeling for imported products before trading in the country," Arlinda added.

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