Senin 21 Sep 2015 13:33 WIB

Pertamina launches Pertalite in West Sumatera

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- PT Pertamina (Persero) was expanding the market for the products of fuel oil type Pertalite to West Sumatra. The launch of Pertalite in West Sumatra's markets was done since Monday (21/9).

"First selling will be at eight gas stations. We will see the market response," said External Relations Marketing Operation Regional (MOR) I of PT Pertamina, Zainal Abidin, in Padang, on Monday (21/9).

Pertalite was a non-subsidized fuel which was sold at Rp 8,300 above the Premium price. Pertalite have higher quality with octane 90, than Premium which only have octane 88.

According to Zainal, public demand for this new type of fuel will be high. He explained that since its first launch in mid 2015, many people have questioned Pertalite presence in West Sumatera.

Currently, Pertamina has not been limiting the supply of Pertalite yet. However, in West Sumatra, the average gas station was supplied 8 to 14 kiloliters.

"Doesn't be limited, because it isn't subsidized. If the demand is high, then we will add the supply," he added.

Meanwhile, eight stations that were being used as the initial sales of pertalite in West Sumatra were gas stations in Coco Ulak Karang Padang, Khatib Sulaiman Padang, Lubuk Buaya Padang, By Pass Padang, Indarung Padang, Solok, and Dharmasraya.

Zainal said, the first stage of Pertalite sales in West Sumatra was focused on the eight gas stations. However, he assured, the number of gas stations with Pertalite will continue to grow according to the needs. Pertamina, he added, was selecting the feasibility of gas stations to sell Pertalite.

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