Rabu 23 Sep 2015 14:16 WIB

Adnan Buyung Nasution passes away at age 81

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Adnan Buyung Nasution
Foto: Antara/Yudhi Mahatma
Adnan Buyung Nasution

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A senior lawyer, Adnan Buyung Nasution, passed away in Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI) Jakarta at 10:17 am. The news was delivered through short messages from Team Communications of President, Ari Dwipayana, in Jakarta.

"Innalilahi wainalillahi rojiun, Adnan Buyung Nasution has passed away today after being treated in the ICU," said Ari, Wednesday (23/9).

Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin, also expressed his condolence in a brief message.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun, Adnan Buyung Nasution has passed away in RSPI at 10:17 am this morning. We took a very deep condolence, hope Adnan will be khusnul khatimah, Aamiin, yaa, Robbal 'aalamiin," he said.

Adnan Buyung Nasution with original name Adnan Bahrum Nasution, was born in Jakarta, 20th July 1934. He had been worked in law and becoming an activist since his youth.

One organization that he founded was the Legal Aid Institute (LBH). In 2007-2009, Adnan was inaugurated as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council's Legal Department.

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