Kamis 24 Sep 2015 00:39 WIB

Food security in rural areas still low

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Agung Supriyanto/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Suryamin, said that food security of rural population in Indonesia was still low at only 23 percent. This was supported by the results of Gajah Mada University (UGM) in 2015 that stated the food security was still in poor level.

The prevalence rate was less and the prone of food amounted to 36.29 percent. In fact, food sovereignty was more from rural areas.

"Food sovereignty is clearly not yet been achieved, especially the availability of food was from agricultural sector in rural areas," he said, in a national seminar on Statistics Day 2015 entitled "Improved Performance of Agriculture Indonesia Towards Food Sovereignty," Tuesday (22/9).

BPS had conducted agricultural census in 2013, which produced a number of conclusions. The government had a lot of homework to reduce food insecurity and to improve food self-sufficiency.

Suryamin outlined, the agricultural sector in Indonesia has shown a great role for Indonesian economy. It donated for about 14 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and was ranked as the second largest contributor after the manufacturing sector.

Ironically, the sector has not been able to provide welfare to farmers. This was due to very low income of farmers. On the other hand, production costs continue to escalate.

The agricultural sector absorbed high number of labors, about 38 million people or one third of Indonesian workers. However, low income was triggered by the quality of human resources which were inadequate.

"More than 70 percent of farmers were only schooled to primary school," he said.

With a low level of education, the agricultural labors will difficult to increase business productivity, especially related to technology.

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