Ahad 27 Sep 2015 06:56 WIB

PT Pos Indonesia launches special stamps for 205th Bandung anniversary

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Logo PT Pos Indonesia
Logo PT Pos Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Commemorating 205th Anniversary of Bandung, PT Pos Indonesia launched a special edition stamps, Friday (25/9). The stamp of Prisma Milangkala special edition was launched by Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil.

"The launch of this stamp is to commemorate 205th anniversary of Bandung," said Head of Bandung Post Office, Hany Sartana, in Tegalega, Friday (25/9).

Hany said the prism stamps special edition were launched with the covers. The design of the stamps was from Government of Bandung's order.

This special edition stamp was produced in limited. There were only 1,000 stamps of 205th Bandung Anniversary special edition that were published with affordable price.

"Branch post offices that will sell the special edition stamp is Post Office that is located in Asia-Africa Street, near Square of Bandung," she added.

Hany said, sales of the stamp was already started on Friday (25/9). For philatelists who were interested to know more information related to this special edition, Hany said, they could visit Milangkala Bandung Festival.

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