Senin 28 Sep 2015 18:16 WIB

Govt to facilitate finance for export oriented SMEs

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Scale Enterprises said it will facilitate finance for export by potential small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in a bid to boost the country's exports amid the global economic slowdown.

The finance deputy at the ministry Choirul Djamhari said exporters among the SMEs operating in the agribusiness, furniture, garment and fashion and handicraft industries would be given financial support.

"We will select potential exporters among SMEs such as through the SMEs fair to be held here from Oct. 1-4 on the occasion of the the 13th Smesco Festival 2015," Choirul said here on Sunday.

Choirul said the program to facilitate finance for exporting SMEs is in line with the regulation of the finance minister No. 134 of 2015 on special assignment for Indonesian Export Financing Agency.

The cooperatives ministry is assigned to select exporting SMEs entitled to the financial aid to boost their export performance to Rp1 trillion.

"We hope to be able to select exporters among SMEs to help them take part in the program under the scheme of National Interest Account," he said.

National Interest Account (NIA) is considered as a strategic policy alternative integrated in the national export program, he added.

In the Smesco Festival 2015 to take place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) here the cooperatives ministry would socialize the SMEs program especially among export oriented SMEs to utilize the incentives.

"We will open a clinic to provide information about export finance , administrative mechanism, proposal preparation and other related matters," Choirul said.

He said he hoped in the second week of October the ministry had been able to select some potential exporters among the SMEs to be helped in utilizing the facility.

The facility offered in very competitive with no collateral required and it is available even for non bankable SMEs, he said.

"The program is designed mainly to help exporters among SMEs which are hit by the global crisis," he said.

Therefore, the ministry will give priority to SMEs which have export commodities with clear country of destination and guarantee in production continuity, he said.

However, he did not rule out new SMEs, which are still in the process of studying export opportunity to be included in the program.

Choirul therefore, invited export oriented SMEs to attend the 13th Smesco Festival 2015 at the JCC from Oct. 1-4.

In addition to export financing clinic , there are various other clinics and pavilions offered in an exhibition and expose of SMEs products from all over Indonesia. 

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