Kamis 08 Oct 2015 17:34 WIB

Heavy rains, smokes in Jambi reduced

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAMBI -- Heavy rains eventually occurred in Jambi, since Wednesday (7/10) afternoon. Rains accompanied by wind and lighting occurred at 05:00 pm until late at night 07:30 pm.

Head of Meteorology, Climatology and and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Jambi, Nurangesti, said heavy rains not only occurred in Jambi, but also in several other districts.

"Rains had happened in Muarabulian of Batanghari District and its surrounding areas, Sungaigelam and Kumpeh of Muarojambi District and its surrounding areas, and Jambi," said Nurangesti, in Jambi, Wednesday (7/10).

Jambi had been almost two months did not rain with heavy intensity. That certainly made Jambi was barren as grass and leaves much to dry out.

One of residents of Simpang Kawat, Jambi, Hendro, was deeply grateful for the heavy rains that finally poured in Jambi. Since a few weeks he had trouble in getting fresh water because all wells had started to dry up.

"Alhamdulillah, it's already an hour of heavy rain and strong lightning. For a long time we missed the rain, the wells are filled with water again," said Hendro.

Gratitude was also expressed by Anton, a resident of Tenalai, Jambi. He said that it has been nearly two months that rain never fell Jambi.

"Alhamdulillah, finally the rain feel and the smog can be reduced. During the dry season, today is the first day that the heavy rains poured," said Anton.

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