Kamis 08 Oct 2015 23:05 WIB

Indonesia presidential aircraft fails to land in Jambi

Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAMBI -- Indonesia presidential aircraft failed to land at Sultan Thaha Airport, Jambi. It was because the visibility in the Airport was only under 1,000 meters due to smokes.

Presiden Joko Widodo's visit to Jambi which was scheduled on Thursday (8/10), was canceled and then the aircraft landed in MIA Airport, Padang, West Sumatra.

Head of Media and News Analysis at the Presidential Secretariat, Yudhi Wijayanto, during a press conference at the VIP room of Jambi airport, said, the President planed to visit Jambi. However, limited visibility made the aircraft landed in Padang.

"We always monitor the visibility during flight. President's visit to Jambi will be postponed for a while," said Yudhi, Thursday (8/10).

He said, upon arrival at Padang airport, the President was scheduled to back to Jambi by using helicopters. However, again because of thick haze, the President decided to postpone it and continue his activities in Padang.

"If the weather and haze in Jambi began to improve within 2- 3 days ahead, the President will continue his visit to Jambi from West Sumatra," he added.

Jokowi arrival to Jambi province aimed to review the handling of haze from forest fires and the treatment of patients who suffered Upper Respiratory Inspection (ISPA).

sumber : Antara
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