Sabtu 17 Oct 2015 16:54 WIB

BNPT: Aceh Singkil incident is not terrorism

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director of Protection of National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Herwan Chaidir, stated that the church burning incident in Singkil, Aceh, was not related to terrorism.

"So far, BNPT didn't see any indication of terrorism. It was purely because of friction and conflict in the community," he said, Thursday (15/10).

He explained, the role of local governments are necessary to prevent similar incidents not to happen again. The government should understand clearly what are the exact problems of the community.

"As in the incident in Singkil, has the government given the prohibition of establishment of houses of worship?"

Although that was not including in the act of new-style of terrorism, Herwan still warned that similar cases has not to be repeated. He afraid that radical groups would see this as a change to create chaos.

"If it happens in various regions, it is clearly dangerous," he added.

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