Senin 19 Oct 2015 12:05 WIB

Riau police handles 71 cases of land and forest fires

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: wikimedia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The police continued legal proceedings against suspects of forest and land fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan. So far, Riau Police was handling largest number of cases of fires.

Head of Public Information of Riau Police, Brigadier Agus Rianto, explained that Riau Police had handled 71 cases of land and forest fires. 33 of 71 cases has entered stage of investigation, consisted of 15 individual cases and 18 corporation cases.

"There are 64 suspects, consists of 63 individual and a corporation," he said, Sunday (18/10).

Agus added, there were 14 individual cases entered the phase one, while an individual case already entered p21. In addition, other 23 individual cases also entered the phase two.

According to Agus, Police of Central Kalimantan had second most forest fires cases that were handled, as much as 63 cases. A total of 65 suspects have been named, consisted of 60 individuals and five corporations.

Forest fires resulted in haze in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The haze was disrupted health, education and economic activities. Despite several countries has given its assistance, but until now the fires were still not extinguished.

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