Senin 19 Oct 2015 15:00 WIB

Seven climbers die in Mount Lawu

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Mt Lawu
Foto: MountainRanger
Mt Lawu

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGETAN -- The number of climbers who died by forest fires in Cemoro Sewu hiking trail of Mount Lawu, Plaosan District, Magetan, East Java, reached seven people.

"The death toll reached seven climbers. They are mostly from Ngawi," said Chief  Police of Magetan, Johanson Ronald Simamora, Monday (19/10).

According to Johanson, there were two other victims who suffered serious burns and was in critical condition. Both of them were from Ngawi, named Eko Nurhadi (45) and Novi Dwi (14).

"Eko is having treatment on dr Soedono Madiun Hospital, while Novi is in dr Moewardi Hospital, Solo, Central Java," he explained.

The dead victims as of Monday morning, were partially evacuated to be brought to dr Sayidiman Magetan Hospital for identification process. He stated, allegedly the victims were trapped on forest fires on the slopes and summit of Mount Lawu, exactly in between post 3 and post 4 of Cemoro Sewu hiking trail.

Until Monday morning, joint rescue teams from Perhutani of Lawu, BPBD of Magetan, Kodim Magetan, Magetan police, and volunteers of AGL, still continued to search.

The officers predicted that there were still victims who were trapped and had not been found. They would also investigate causes of forest fire on the mountain slopes. It was to determine whether the forest was intentionally burned by a person or indeed caused by natural factors.

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