Kamis 22 Oct 2015 20:41 WIB

Minister optimistic about self-reliance in sugar production in 2019

Rini Soemarno
Rini Soemarno

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SITUBONDO -- State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno has expressed optimism that Indonesia will achieve self-reliance in sugar production in 2019 as several sugar mills have produced high quality sugar.

"I believe that in 2019 Indonesia will no longer import sugar," she said while visiting Asembagus sugar mill in Situbondo district, East Java, on Thursday.

She said one of the sugar mill's products has now been sold to food and beverage manufacturers, suggesting that the sugar has good quality.

Responding to the sugar content of sugarcane at the Asembagus sugar mill which has reached 10 percent, the minister said the matter has increased her optimism about Indonesia being able to meet domestic sugar needs on its own.

For its part, she pledged to struggle for the aspirations of sugarcane growers who have four hectares of sugarcane plantation to deserve subsidized fertilizers.

"We will make an effort to ensure that farmers who have four hectares of land will obtain fertilizers. We will discuss the matter with the Agriculture Minister when it comes to regulation, and with state-owned banks when it comes to capital," she said.

Earlier, the minister said she was surprised at why Indonesia which is endowed with a vast area of fertile land still imports sugar.

"Why do we continue to import sugar? We are a large nation and has fertile land but lag behind Thailand. Let us work together. I ask farmers to maintain their spirit," she said.

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