Kamis 29 Oct 2015 10:13 WIB

Minister: Local election will not be postponed

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tjahjo Kumolo
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Tjahjo Kumolo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo, said simultaneously election of regional heads would not be postponed, even though some parts of the country was hit by smog from forest and land fires. The local elections would still be held on 9th December, because he believed the forest fires could be addressed before the election took place.

"Because, there is possibility that the fires will be extinguished in November," said Tjahjo, Wednesday (28/8).

He explained that the local election could be postponed if there are things disturbing, such as natural disasters to social conflict. It was also if the smog disaster still occurred in ​​Sumatra and Borneo on 9th December.

"Although if it needs to be postponed, it won't be until the following year, but only one or two days," he added.

Until now, the smog disaster was still not resolved properly by the government. Rainfall with high intensity was the last hope to extinguish forest and land fires.

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