Kamis 29 Oct 2015 10:15 WIB

Indonesia to host Conference of OIC Ministers of Labor

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
M Hanif Dhakiri
Foto: istimewa
M Hanif Dhakiri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia was chosen to host the 3rd Conference of Ministers of Labor of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. The conference would be held over three days, from 28th to 30th October 2015 in Jakarta.

The conference would be chaired by Minister of Manpower, Hanif Dhakiri, and would be officially opened on Thursday (29/10) by Vice President Jusuf Kalla. The conference would be also attended by the Secretary General of OIC, HE Mr Iyad Madani.

"The meeting discusses the issue of growing employment in member countries of the OIC," said Chief of Bureau of International Cooperation (KLN) of Minister of Manpower, Indah Anggoro Putri, in a press release, on Wednesday (28/10).

Until now, representatives of countries that have confirmed its attendance at the conference were 32 countries of OIC members. The conference theme is 'Young Age of Labor and Occupational Health and Safety'.

"The issue of the handling of young workers becomes focus the theme of this meeting," she added.

Increasing youth unemployment globally and also in the OIC countries have become a common concern. In addition, the issue of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is also important for the OIC countries.

Cooperation in this conference would cover six areas, namely promotion of K3, reduction of unemployment, development of workforce capacity, handling of migrant workers, labor market information development strategies, and social protection.

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