Jumat 30 Oct 2015 17:43 WIB

Land and forest fires this year reach two million hectares

Rep: c09/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Thick smoke billows from forest fire in Riau on March 20, 2014. (File photo)
Foto: Antara/Taufan Razzak
Thick smoke billows from forest fire in Riau on March 20, 2014. (File photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of Environment and Disaster Mitigation of National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Parwati Sofan, said based on satellite of remote sensing data, since 21st June 2015 until 20th October 2015, the amount of burned land and forest in Indonesia reached 2,089,911 hectares.

Parvati explained, the data was recorded through change detection method, based on an index of fire dNBR (changes in the value Normalized Burn Ratio) of MODIS satellite data.

"The analysis is integrated with a data of density of hot spots from Terra and Aqua-MODIS satellite and SNPP-VIIRS satellite. The size of smallest burned area that can be detected by the satellites was 6.25 hectares," said Parvati in Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Friday (30/10).

Meanwhile, there were estimation of burned area in Indonesia. Sumatra reached ​​832,999 hectares, consisting of 267,974 hectares of peatland and 565,025 hectares of non-peatland. Then, Kalimantan reached ​​806,817 hectares, consisting of 319,386 hectares of peatland and 487,431 hectares of non-peatland.

Meanwhile, Papua reached ​​353,191 hectares, consisting of 31,214 hectares of peatland and 321,977 hectares of non-peatland. Sulawesi reached ​​30,912 hectares of non-peatland. Bali and Nusa Tenggara reached 30,162 hectares of non-peatland.

In Java, burned area reached ​​18,768 hectares of non-peatland. Then, in Maluku, there were ​​17,063 hectares burned area of non-peatland.

She explained that apart from data that was obtained using satellites, these results were also obtained by comparing data from Ministry of Agriculture. However, results of these calculations were estimation or approximate amount.

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