Selasa 03 Nov 2015 19:46 WIB

Govt launches two books of natural gas 2015-2030

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
An offshore natural gas exploration in Seribu Islands, Jakarta (file photo)
Foto: Antara/Yudhi Mahatma
An offshore natural gas exploration in Seribu Islands, Jakarta (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BADUNG -- The government through Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) launched a book of Indonesia Gas Balance 2015-2030 and Master Plan of National Natural Gas 2015-2030 in Kuta, Bali, on Monday (2/11) night.

Indonesia gas balance book contained information about supply and demand for natural gas for the entire gas sector in Indonesia, both nationally and regionally. The book was an update book, after considering the interconnectivity of natural gas region.

While, Master Plan of National Natural Gas book was a revision book of Master Plan of National Transmission and Distribution Network.

"It is expected that these two books can provide benefits for all stakeholders and people of Indonesia for resistance and independence of national energy," said Director General of Oil and Gas of Ministry of ESDM, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, Monday (2/11).

Wiratmaja explained, the national natural gas policy would be prioritized for domestic needs. If there was a cooperation contract expired but the gas was still available, then gas sales contract for the export would not be extended to focus meet domestic needs.

"If there is no discovery of new gas fields, we will see whether it is not absorbed (in the country), then we will export," he added.

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