Kamis 05 Nov 2015 17:13 WIB

Five Indonesians named national heroes

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ki Bagus Hadikusumo
Foto: muhammadiyah.or.id
Ki Bagus Hadikusumo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo conferred a title of national heroes to five Indonesian figures. The conferment of the title was done at the State Palace on Thursday (5/11).

The five figures who were named national heroes are Bernard Wilhem Lapian, Mas Iman, Commissioner General Pol Moehammad Jasin, I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, and Ki Bagus Hadikusumo. All five were named national heroes through a presidential decree 116/TK of 2015.

They were deemed to have qualified for the title of national hero as stipulated in Law No. 20 of 2009 on titles, decorations and honors.

Under article 26 of the Act, the requirement that must be met was a national hero once led armed or political struggle, or other struggle to achieve and maintain the independence of Indonesia. In addition, a national hero also required to never give up on the enemy.

The conferment of title of national hero was a routine agenda before the Heroes Day which is always celebrated every 10th November. At the peak of Heroes Day, President Jokowi would be inspector in the commemoration ceremony at the Heroes Cemetery, Surabaya.

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