Kamis 05 Nov 2015 21:12 WIB

French investor to build hydro power plant in West Aceh


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEULABOH -- Investors from France will build a hydro power plant with a capacity of 59 megawatts in Sikundo, Pante Ceureumen, West Aceh district, Aceh province.

A representative of the Management Consortium of the Aceh Hydro Power, Stephan, said on Thursday that the investment value of the project is pegged at US$50 million.

"The project is being carried out through collaboration between the consortium and the state-owned electricity company (PLN) and its subsidiary. It is not just a foreign investor. The development process depends on the results of geological studies," he said.

According to Stephan, the plan for the construction of the hydroelectric power plant has been explored since 2011.

He further said the utilization of renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly energy is aimed at meeting the energy needs of business and potential investors, especially in Aceh Barat.

The Head of Environment and Hygiene (BLHK), Teuku Fuadi added that the hydroelectric plant utilizes the Meureubo river streams, which are connected with the Beutong Ateuh river, Nagan Raya.

After all the environmental impact assessment process has been completed and accepted by the community, and the project will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Forestry.

"There are about 54.3 hectares, which are included in protected forest areas that have proposed to the Ministry for License for Borrow and Use of Forest (IPPH). We don't know yet whether the project will be implemented in 2016 or 2017," Teuku said.

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