Sabtu 07 Nov 2015 15:12 WIB

Officially launched, three sea toll roads soon to be operated

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government through Ministry of Transportation officially launched sea toll roads program. The realization of sea toll roads was a national program of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

In a press release of Ministry of Transportation received by Republika, Wednesday (4/11), the government would soon operate three of six sea toll roads. It was stated in Decree of Director General of Sea Transportation Number AL.108/6/2/DJPL-15 on route network organization of public service obligations for transport of goods within the implementation of sea toll roads budget 2015.

The maximum amount of public services for transport of goods in order to operate the sea toll roads, reached Rp 257.907 billion, with six ships. However, due to limited time of two months, there were only three ships that would be operated in three toll roads, with value of subsidy of Rp 30 billion.

Here are the route of sea toll roads:

1. Route code T-1: Tanjung Perak-Tual-Fak Fak-Kaimana-Timika-Kaimana-Fak Fak-Tual-Tanjung Perak. (Operated by KM Caraka Jaya Niaga III-32).

2. Route code T-4: Tanjung Priok-Biak-Serui-Nabire-Wasior-Manokwari-Wasior-Nabire-Serui-Biak-Tanjung Priok. (Operated by KM Caraka Jaya Niaga Ill-22).

3. Route code T-6: Tanjung Priok-Kijang- Natuna-Kijang- Tanjung Priok.. (Operated by KM Caraka Jaya Niaga III-4).

The implementation of sea toll roads was expected that availability of goods and people needs, especially the Eastern part of Indonesia, could be served with equity prices of goods in Western Indonesia.

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