Selasa 27 Oct 2015 11:44 WIB

Indonesia wins Young Social Entrepreneurs in Singapore

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Youtube

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Four Indonesian teams won Young Social Entrepreneurs 2015 in Singapore, over 11 other finalists. The four teams demonstrated ability to initiate social mission business, which gave impact on society and was sustainable in terms of management and operations.

The Indonesian teams who achieved Young Social Entrepreneurs were Ecodoe team, Osiris team, Startic team, and Wateroam team, which consisted of 10 young men who had been competing with 15 teams of social entrepreneurs from around the world. They previously passed a rigorous selection of total 43 teams or 90 participants of young entrepreneurs in the world.

Ecodoe team empowered local craftsmen and housewives in West Java. Osiris team empowered people with disabilities and farmers of dragon fruit in Yogyakarta. Startic team empowered marginalized communities to produce handicraft of recycled products. Meanwhile, Wateroam team created water filter system which was useful in areas affected by disaster, especially in developing countries.

Executive Director of Singapore International Foundation (SIF), Jean Tan, said Young Social Entrepreneurs Program of Singapore International Foundation offered an opportunity to young world changers from all over the world to collaborate in exchanging ideas.

One member of the jury who was also Chairman of Asian Philanthropic Ventures Keith Chua said today younger generation was very different from previous generations. He revelade that they were more exposed to the world and more educated, and have a different world view.

"They see themselves as pioneers and champions, have great intentions to make changes," he said, in a press statement received by Republika, in Jakarta, Sunday (25/10).

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