Sabtu 14 Nov 2015 06:12 WIB

Here are human rights violations in Soeharto era

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Caucus Presidium of Nahdlatul Ulama's Young Women, Susianah Affandy, said the government need to carefully consider several points before nominating former president Soeharto as a national hero.

"Still I remember human rights violations in Soeharto era which were done massively," she said, Tuesday (10/11) ago.

For example, after G30S/PKI tragedy in 1965 many people were detained without trial. Then, in 1980s and 1990s, people was intimidated if they were not supporting the development policies

In the name of development, under the responsibility of Soeharto, many people who were displaced, for example, in Kedungombo, Central Java. Mysterious shooting incident also occurred in Soeharto era, such as in Tanjung Priok, in Malari incident, in Talangsari Lampung when there was banning freedom of the press, in East Timor incident, and when Military Operations Area (DOM) occurred in Aceh and Papua.

Susianah added, until the end of his life, Soeharto never be responsible for political and legal human rights violations that he did. This hurted many people, hence the government  needs to be rethought if they want to make Soeharto as a national hero.

Another reason of public rejection of proposal of Suharto's national hero title was also because he was recorded as the most corrupt leader in the world. It was stated in a special coverage of Global Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, the United Nations in 2005 and in Transparency International research in 2004.

"This country was full with culture of corruption in Soeharto reign," she explained.

So that, he said, it would be a shame if the international world mocks Indonesia because of nomination of national hero that would be given to Soeharto.

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