Selasa 17 Nov 2015 13:44 WIB

Thailand biggest competitor to Indonesia in AEC

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Agung Supriyanto/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Suryamin, believed Indonesia could benefit in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). He assessed that the only threat to Indonesia in the AEC was only Thailand.

"The threat of Indonesia in AEC is only Thailand. While, for other countries we still can be the first," said Suryamin, Monday (16/11).

Suryamin was optimistic that Indonesia has a good chance in the AEC because of positive trade balance in ASEAN. Throughout January to October 2015, the performance of non-oil export-import of Indonesia experienced a surplus of 1.5 billion US dollars in ASEAN.

Indonesia only had a deficit with Thailand of 2.7 billion dollars. Whereas with Singapore there was a surplus of 35.6 million US dollars, with Malaysia there was surplus of 1.1 billion US dollars. While, with the other ASEAN countries, there was a surplus of 3.2 billion US dollars.

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