Kamis 19 Nov 2015 15:33 WIB

Tax amnesty expected to contribute Rp100 trillion to tax revenues


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A law maker said the tax amnesty policy is expected to contribute Rp100 trillion to the state tax revenue in 2016.

The figure is larger than the target set by the Taxation Directorate General, a member of the Commission XI of the Parliament Muhamad Misbakhun said.

The Taxation Directorate General said its target for tax revenues was Rp1,546.7 trillion in 2016 including Rp60 trillion from the tax amnesty scheme and Rp10 trillion in revaluation.

"We hope tax revenue as a result of the tax amnesty policy is more than Rp100 trillion," Misbakhun said here on Wednesday night.

The tax amnesty policy is expected to result in a repatriation of Rp2 trillion into the country on which the government would impose a 3 percent tax.

Misbakhun said the Parliament is drafting a regulation that could be prepared for a law.

The regulation must be strong to produce a strong law that would attract tax payers to draw their funds so far parked abroad, he said.

"We have to prepare a strong draft law to be made effective that would make tax amnesty interesting for the business players," he said.

He said tax amnesty is necessary to cope with potential shortfall of more than Rp160 trillion tax revenues in 2015 or 15 percent of the target.

He said real tax revenues in 2015 is predicted to reach only Rp1,100 trillion short of the target of Rp1,294.2 trillion.

Under the present economic condition it would be difficult to even to reach the revised target of Rp1,100 trillion, he said.

"I am not being pessimistic but I try to be realistic. I appreciate hard work by the taxation directorate general but it would be difficult to reach 85 percent of the target. We have to be realistic with the prevailing condition," he said.

The government has to take steps to cope with the condition in 2015 such bas through mitigation of fiscal risks , tax amnesty policy, seeking new loans to meet financing requirement.

"This has to be done by the government that the condition in 2016 would improve," he said.

He said the parli9amwent has been all prepared to discuss with the government regulation on tax amnesty expected to be effective early next year.

"Now the parliament is very much ready . We also have intensive communications with various relevant agencies," he added. 

sumber : Antara
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