Kamis 19 Nov 2015 14:52 WIB

World Rafting Championship 2015 held in Sukabumi

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: MGROL44

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- For the first time, Indonesia was chosen as a host of the World Rafting Championship (WRC) 2015. This international event aimed to highlight rafting tourism that could bring a lot of foreign tourists to Indonesia.

It was said by Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya. He stated Ministry of Tourism fully supported the event to show ability of Indonesian rafting team's to the world and also to promote tourism potential in Sukabumi.

"The WRC will provide direct economic impact of tourism. It is also very effective to promote branding of 'Wonderful Indonesia' and 'Pesona Indonesia' into the world," he said at a press conference in Sapta Pesona Building Jakarta, Wednesday (18/11).

Citarik river in the ​​Sukabumi, West Java, was considered as a potential to support the sport tourism. The World Rafting Championship (WRC) 2015 will be held at Citarik river, Sukabumi, West Java, on 29th November to 8th December 2015.

"The potential of our nature is 35 percent and it is able to compete on a global level. The potential of nature can also be developed as marine tourism, ecological tourism and adventure tourism," Arief Added.

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