Ahad 22 Nov 2015 14:17 WIB

Gayo coffee processing meets European standard

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kopi Gayo
Foto: aped-project.org
Kopi Gayo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- Processing of Gayo arabica coffee, in Central Aceh, Aceh Province, was considered to meet the standards set by the European Union (EU). It revealed by an owner of coffee roasting from Netherlands, Jan Schuitemaker.

"I've noticed its process, from planting, harvesting, collecting, selecting, storing until packaging," he said, when visiting Baburrayan coffee factory in Central Aceh, Thursday (19/11).

Jan and his 18 colleagues who are members of Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) got a lot of explanation from the manager of the Baburrayan coffee factory, related policies in collecting, selecting, and processing coffee beans to be exported to foreign countries.

Central Aceh Regent, Nasaruddin, said the SCAE team's visit was an excellent opportunity for arabica coffee producing regions to increase direct export to Europe.

"Europe is currently the world's main consumer, especially for arabica coffee. Lucky the SCAE team could visit and see firsthand how Gayo Arabica coffee cultivation began from farmers to exporters," said Nasaruddin.

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