Ahad 29 Nov 2015 06:04 WIB

OJK: Two investors interested in Indonesian sharia banking

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Wihdan Hidayat/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Although Indonesian economic condition was slowing down, but sharia banking industry in Indonesia is still in demand by domestic and foreign investors.

Director of Islamic Banking of Financial Services Authority (OJK), Achmad Buchori, said there are potential investors who have intention to invest in sharia banking. However, he added, the investors have not got to the stage of a formal submission to OJK.

"One is Indonesian investor, another one is foreign investor. It's good to strengthen the sharia banking industry,'' he said, Thursday (26/11).

In addition to these two new investors, Buchori said there will be conversion of a Regional Development Bank (BPD) from conventional to sharia. The conversion is believed to increase assets of sharia banking industry in Indonesia.

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