Senin 30 Nov 2015 17:56 WIB

Electricity price for 1,300 VA customers increased by 11 percent

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: antaranews

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Tariff adjustment of electricity in December 2015 had been set. According to Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No.31/2014, as amended by Regulation of Minister of ESDM No.09/2015, the electricity tariff was adjusted with the exchange rate, oil prices, and monthly inflation.

Reporting from PLN page, Monday (30/11), in December 2015, 1,300 VA and 2,200 VA costumers were imposed with tariff adjustment mechanism. The electricity tariff for both costumers increased by 11 percent from Rp 1,352 per kilowatt hour (kWh) to Rp 1,509.38 per kWh.

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It was following the application of tariff adjustments to 10 other classes of costumers that had been in effect since 1st January 2015. However, 1,300 VA and 2,200 VA costumers had experienced increased electricity tariffs since July 2014 to November 2014.

With tariff adjustment mechanism, electricity tariff every month was fluctuated, depends on the three indicators. Tariff adjustments was applicable to classes of customers that were not subsidized, namely 1,300 VA, businesses with 6,600 VA, large industry with 200 thousand VA, government offices with 6,600 VA, lamp street lighting (PJU), and specialized services.

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