Rabu 02 Dec 2015 17:35 WIB

Lack of oxygen, thousand of fishes die in Jakarta bay

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
illustration (Republika/Yasin Habiibi)
illustration (Republika/Yasin Habiibi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Hundreds of fishes died in Jakarta bay, especially in Ancol beach. However, this was not the first time, because the death of hundred of fishes commonly happened after entering the change of seasons.

"It depends on environmental conditions," said observer of marine ecosystems, Dietrich Bengen, to Republika.co.id, in Jakarta, Tuesday (1/12).

Dietrich explained, bad water ecosystems made marine life could instantly die. It was different if the condition of the ecosystem was still slightly contaminated.

Mass death of fishes that occurred Jakarta bay was indicating the waste that entered the waters has exceeded the limit. It was also because there were 13 streams that empty into the bay of Jakarta, including the streams from Banten and West Java.