Rabu 02 Dec 2015 20:46 WIB

Indonesia has 50 years old nuclear reactor

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ANTARA/str-Jaflhairi/Koz/mes/06.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Nuclear Reactor Training Research Isotope Production by General Atomics (Triga) Bandung was the first reactor in Indonesia. On Wednesday (2/12), Triga was turning 50 years old.

"Triga Reactor is the first in Indonesia, was inaugurated in December 1965, and today has reached the age of 50 years," said Head of Nuclear Science and Applied Atomic Technology of National Energy Agency (Batan), Efrizon Umar, in Bandung, Wednesday (2/12).

Golden anniversary of reactor which was inaugurated by the First President of Indonesia, Soekarno, was celebrated in Batan Complex, Bandung, and attended by a number of experts, professors, students and other stakeholders.

Triga reactor which was currently named Triga 2000 reactor, was one of the vital installations in Bandung. Triga was an acronym for Training Research Isotope Production by General Atomics, while 2000 indicated that the current maximum capacity of the reactor was 2,000 KW.

Read: TRIGA 2000 Reactor in Bandung to be re-operated

At its launch in 1965, President Soekarno delivered his statement that Indonesia already entered the era of atom. By mastery of atomic technology then Indonesia was ready to enter the modern era.

"Initially Triga reactor has a capacity of 250 KW and then it was upgraded in 1981 to 1,000 KW and last upgrade was in 1996 to 2,000 KW," Efrizon explained.

Since its operation, Triga reactor had been used to conduct research and development to mastery of technology in isotope and radioisotope. Radioisotope is a radioactive element that can be used in the medical field to examine the anatomy and morphology of organs.

"In addition to medical cooperation with hospitals, Batan is also working with various universities in various studies," he added.

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