REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG -- Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo admitted, money politics occurred in almost all regions that were conducting regional head elections 2015. This was conveyed by Tjahjo while monitoring the implementation of simultaneous local elections in Semarang, Central Java, Wednesday (9/12).
According to him, simultaneous local elections which were held for the first time, has became history of nation. Unfortunately, there were still practices of money politics caught.
"Not only in Semarang, but also almost in all regions," he said, Wednesday (9/12).
Money politics that occurred in almost all regions proved that this issue was still one of important things should be taken seriously by the Government.
"Anticipation for preventing money politics needs to be stated in the election law, including preparation of regulations related to presidential and vice presidential elections," he explained.
For evaluation, the Ministry would also continue to monitor the practices of money politics in local elections in all regions. He said, he has to discuss the issue with the Parliament, whether there is a possibility the candidates canceled if there are money politics.
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