Ahad 13 Dec 2015 16:33 WIB

Minister Puan urges teachers to serve remote regions

Puan maharani
Puan maharani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister for Cultural and Human Development Puan Maharani has urged teachers grouped in the Indonesian Teachers' Association (PGRI) to teach in remote regions.

"Turning the nation's children into civilized and cultural ones is in the hands of teachers. The tasks of teachers are not only to educate, teach, and evaluate students, but it should be understood much broader than that," Minister Maharani said when speaking in a function to commemorate the 70th anniversary of PGRI, here, Sunday.

Teachers need skills because the education quality is determined by teachers, according to her.

She stated that teachers are responsible for the education of the nation's children. Teachers must master sciences and technology to help improve the welfare of the nation.

The minster urged teachers to focus on serving education anywhere, including in remote areas and isles.

PGRI Chairman Sulistiyo said the executive board and members of PGRI support the government.

"PGRI is a partner of the government in carrying out the education programs," he said.

The event was attended by around 115 thousand teachers from the country's 34 provinces.

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