Kamis 17 Dec 2015 18:01 WIB

Director general of taxation optimistic to earn Rp 1,100 trillion

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Wihdan Hidayat/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Directorate General of Taxation was still optimistic that tax revenue this year could reach Rp 1.100 trillion, or 85 percent of the target of Rp 1,294.2 trillion. One of the 'weapons' of Taxation Office to pursue the target was conducting program revaluation of assets which became part of the fifth stage of policy package.

Director of Counseling, Services and Public Relations of Directorate General of Taxation Mekar Satria Utama said, asset revaluation program was very attractive to taxpayers. Until Friday (11/12), there were 84 taxpayers who filed the revaluation of assets.

"Of the 84 taxpayers, the total deposit has reached Rp 1.9 trillion," said Mekar, to Republika.co.id, Wednesday (16/12).

Mekar stated, deposit of tax asset revaluation might potentially increase. Therefore, the company would think to ask a revaluation in this year due to lower tax rates.