Kamis 17 Dec 2015 18:56 WIB

S Kalimantan begins to post increase in exports

Foto: Antara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANJARMASIN -- Head of Bank Indonesia representative office for South Kalimantan Harymurthy Gunawan said exports began to increase from the province in the third quarter of this year.

The increase in exports of various commodities resulted in stronger growth of the economy of South Kalimantan, Hary said.

The economy of the province grew 3.86 percent on year in the third quarter from only 3.6 percent in the previous quarter.

' Harry attributed the economic expansion to growing coal exports from the province. Coal is the main export earner of the province.

In addition, there was brisker activities in the construction sector to follow growing investment, trade , hotel, restaurant , finance and service sectors.

Hary noted South Kalimantan's economy grew faster though the growth rate was still below the national average of 4.73 percent in the third quarter, up from 4.67 percent in the second quarter.

He said growing exports, investment and government consumption were the main contributors to the economic growth.

He said demand for coal grew from buyers abroad in the third quarter.

Growth in investment was indicated by increase in imports of capital; goods and sales of cement, he said.

He said inflation in South Kalimantan Selatan rose slightly to 7.03 percent from 6.07 in the previous quarter, adding the increase in inflation was caused by growing demand for consumer goods ahead of Iedul Fitri.

The increase in demand pushed up prices of food products and foodstuff .

However, increase in inflation was curbed by falling prices of a number of foodstuff such as rice, red onion, fresh fish , fruits and vegetables with large supplies in the region.

sumber : Antara
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