Ahad 20 Dec 2015 13:44 WIB

Here are profiles of new KPK leaders

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Commission III of House of Representatives (DPR) has selected five new KPK leaders. They were chosen from the results of voting from 10 names proposed by selection committee (Pansel) KPK. Here are the profile of the new KPK leaders:

1. Agus Rahardjo (59 years old)

Agus got 53 votes in KPK leaders election and got 44 votes in Chairman of KPK election. Before becoming Chairman of KPK, Agus served as Head of Procurement Agency of Goods/Services Administration (LKPP). He came from Magetan, East Java.

Educational background:

1966 SD Karanganyar I, Magetan, East Java

1969 SMPN Magetan, East Java

1972 SMAN Magetan, East Java

1984 S1 Civil Engineering ITS, East Java

1991 S2 Arthur D. Little Management Education Institute, Management, Cambridge, USA


2006 Appointed as Head of Development of Policy of Public Procurement Office of Ministry of National Development Planning.

2008 Appointed as Principal Secretary of LKPP

2010-2015 Appointed as Head of LKPP

He was KPK leader which has a few assets of around 20 million in his four accounts. His assets in Bumi Serpong Damai, South Tangerang and Citra Raya were gained by saving.

2. Basariah Panjaitan (58 years old)

The only women who become KPK leaders has a background as Police members. Basaria was born in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, 20th December 1957. Previously, she served as a lecturer at School of Police Staff and Leaders in Lembang. She has also been Director of Criminal Police of Riau Islands. Based on the voting results, she got 51 votes.

Educational background:

1970 SD Nasrani, Medan,  North Sumatra

1973 SMP Putri Cahaya, Medan, North Sumatra

1976 SMAN III Medan, North Sumatra

1982 Bachelor of Accounting in Jayabaya University, Jakarta

2003 S1 STIH IBLAM Criminal Law, Jakarta

2007 S2 UI Economic Law, Depok, West Java


1984 Served as Paur Subdisbuk Disku Police Headquarters

1990 Served as Panit Sat Idik Baya Ditserse Police Headquarters

1997 Served as Head of Drugs Unit in NTB Police

2000 Served as Head of Drugs Unit of West Java Police

2007 Served as Director of Criminal Police in Riau Islands Police

2008 Served as Principal Investigator Dit V/Tipiter Criminal Investigation Police

2009 Served as Kapusprovos Divpropam Police

2010 Served as Lecturer associate of Sespim Police

2015 Served as Sahlisospol Indonesia Chief Police

3. Alexander Marwata (48 years old)

He got 43 votes in KPK leaders election. Previously he served as a judge of ad hoc in Corruption Court, Jakarta. He was an alumni of Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI).

Educational background

1980 SD Plawikan I Klaten, Central Java

1983 SMP Pangudi Luhur, Klaten, Central Java

1986 SMAN I Yogyakarta

1995 D IV STAN, Accounting, Jakarta

2001 S1 Law UI, Depok, West Java


2010-2011 Served as Head Law Service and Human Rights Division, Law and Human Rights Office of Yogyakarta

2011-2012 Served as Head of Law Service and Human Rights Division, Law and Human Rights Office of West Sumatra

2012-2014 Served as Director of Strengthening of Human Rights in Directorate General of Human Rights Ministry of Legal and Human Rights

2012-present Judge of Ad Hoc in Corruption Court, Central Jakarta

4. Saut Situmorang (56 years old)

Elected as KPK leader with 37 votes. Before becoming leader of KPK, he served as an expert staff of Head of National Intelligent Agency (BIN).

Educational background

1972 SD Katolik Makmur, Medan,  North Sumatra

1975 SMPN 461 Medan,  North Sumatra

1979 SMA Medan Putri, Medan,  North Sumatra

1985 S1 Physics in University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java

2004 S2 Management in Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta

2014 S3 HR Management in Persada Indonesia University, Jakarta


1997 Served as Secretary III of Indonesian Embassy to Singapore

2004-present Served as Lecturer of Graduate Studies in Strategic Intelligence Assessment, UI

2011-2014 Served as Director of Monitoring and Surveillance, BIN

2014-present Served as expert staff of Head of BIN

5. Laode Muhammad Syarif (50 years old)

He got 37 votes in KPK leader election. Previously, he was Professor in Law Faculty of Hasanuddin University and Senior Adviser governance Partnership for Reform in Indonesia.

Educational background

1980 SDN Posununo, Walengkabola, Central Sulawesi

1983 SMPN 1 Raha, Central Sulawesi

1985 SMAN 1 Raha, Central Sulawesi

1991 S1 International Law, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi

2001 S2 Queensland University of Technology International Environmental Law, Brisbane, Australia

2008 S3 University of Sydney International Environmental Law, Sydney, Australia


2003-present Served as teacher of environmental law, in the Supreme Court

2015 Served as trainer of environmental law of Asian Develpment Bank in Manila, Philippine.

2012- present Served as teacher of anti-corruption law clinics and environmental law clinics, law faculty of Hasanuddin University.

c09/Fira Nursya'bani

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