Ahad 20 Dec 2015 13:48 WIB

Interesting facts about 'trio The Raid' in Star Wars movie

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Iko Uwais
Foto: ROL
Iko Uwais

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' finally revealed the involvement of three Indonesian actors as the casts. Iko Uwais, Cecep Arif Rahman, and Yayan Ruhiyan officially justified their involvement in the movie which was directed by JJ Abrams.

The names of the three actors who were also fighters, were already familiar in Indonesia and international movie fans. It was because, their movie 'The Raid: Redemption' and 'The Raid: Berandal' directed by Gareth Evans, became popular in world movie industry.

No wonder, a number of actors of 'The Raid' enticed movie industry in Hollywood. Iko, Cecep, Yayan was then chosen as actors for JJ Abrams' latest movie.

There are some interesting facts about the involvement of 'trio The Raid' in 'The Force Awakens'. Here are five of them as summarized by Republika.co.id:

Shut up for two years

There is a reason why news of the involvement of Yayan, Iko, and Cecep was just officially revealed lately. Since they had agreement to join 'The Force Awakens', they kept it as secret and promised to never tell others about the movie. Similar thing was also done by other actors in this movie.

Filming while fasting

Cecep Arif Rahman revealed that 'The Force Awakens' filming was done in Ramadan or fasting month. As Muslims, the three claimed to remain fasting during the filming. Because of different time zones, they should undergo fasting up to 19 hours.

"It was one of the toughest fasting I have ever experienced for nearly 19 hours before iftar," said Cecep.

However, Cecep and his two friends were impressed by the crews' treatment which were providing foods before break fasting.

Member of Kanjiklub gank

The day before Iko, Cecep, and Yayan issued an official statement, an image of the three using characters of Star Wars costumes, was published in cyberspace. The image was photographed from a magazine under the title 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens, TheVisual Dictionary.'

The magazine stated Yayan role as Tasu Leech, chief of Kanjiklub intergalactic gang. While, Iko as Razoo Quin-Fee and Cecep as a member of Kanjiklub gang.

Praised by the director

A journalist and presenter from Indonesia, Vivit Kavi, through her twitter account stated the director of Star Wars movie, JJ Abrams, justified Iko, Cecep, and Yayan's involvement in the latest Star Wars movie. In the same tweet Vivit revealed that JJ Abrams praised the 'trio The Raid'.

"He said Iko and the people from The Raid were amazing," wrote Vivi.

Not present at the Gala Premier in US

Despite they got official invitation to attend gala premiere of Star Wars: The Force of Awakens in the United States (US) with other actors such as Harrison Ford, Iko, Yayan, and Cecep preferred to stay in Indonesia.

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