Ahad 20 Dec 2015 15:00 WIB

Coca Cola organizes campaign to save Orangutans

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) was in collaboration with Swiss-Belhotel International (SBI), Quiksilver Indonesia (QS) and Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation in taking concrete steps for conservation of orangutans through #SAVEDODO campaign. They conducted a campaign to raise funds through the sale of #SAVEDODO t-shirts.

Quiksilver specially designed a t-shirt that went on sale in December 2015. The sales made in SBI and QS outlets throughout Indonesia for Rp 145 thousand to Rp 245 thousand.

"Through the purchase of #SAVEDODO t-shirts everyone can help Orangutans to get adequate treatment and rehabilitation, and to get opportunity to be able to return safely to their habitat," said CEO of BOS Foundation Jacqui Sunderland-Groves.

President Director of Swiss-Belhotel International Gavin M Faull said, the Dodo is one of orangutans that has been saved. He became an icon to help people who want to participate to save orangutans in Borneo, Kalimantan.

The forest fires that occurred in Kalimantan recently has made orangutans experienced a lot of suffering and threatens.

"We started this campaign to take a stand on environmental issues in Borneo," he said, in a press release received by Republika.co.id, Thursday (17/12).

The orangutan campaign is important in contributing to the conservation of forests. It was because deforestation gave direct impact on the decline in orangutan populations.

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