Ahad 20 Dec 2015 16:35 WIB

ASDP uses large-hulled ferry to face extreme weather

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG -- River Crossing Transportation (ASDP) continued to be aware of extreme weather in the waters of Sunda Strait. ASDP also used large-hulled ferry to serve Bakauheni (Lampung) - Merak (Banten) route. Large-hulled ferry was believed to be able to overcome the blow of high sea waves.

Operations Manager of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Bakauheni Lampung Heru Purwanto said, Sunda Strait frequently experienced weather changes. ASDP optimized the use of large-hulled ferry to withstand high waves and underwater waves.

"We continue to be aware of extreme weather in recent years," he said, on Saturday (19/12).

Extreme weather began to hit the waters of Sunda Strait. The wind blows could threaten several ferry which were crossing the channel, especially ferry which has small hull.