Ahad 20 Dec 2015 17:51 WIB

Iran to ship enriched uranium to Russia within days

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Science Photo Library

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEHRAN -- Iran would export most of its enriched uranium to Russia in the coming days as it rushes to implement a nuclear deal and secure relief from international sanctions, Tehran's nuclear chief was quoted as saying on Saturday (19/12).

Drastically reducing its stock of enriched uranium, which can be used in nuclear weapons, was at the heart of the deal Iran reached in July with a group of six world powers.

Under its terms, Iran must cut its stockpile to around 300 kg (660 lb) and mothball most of the centrifuges that produce the enriched fuel. It must also remove the core of a heavy water reactor at Arak so it cannot be used to produce plutonium, another potential bomb-making source.

Once the United Nations verified those steps, international sanctions will be lifted, giving Iran access to global markets for the first time in years and opening a lifeline for its ailing economy.

"In the next few days around nine tonnes of Iran's enriched uranium will be exported to Russia," said nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi, as saying by state news agency IRNA, quoted from Reuters.

He said the enriched uranium would be taken out of Iran on board a Russian ship. Iran has already received a shipment of yellowcake, an unenriched uranium compound, from Russia in exchange for the stockpile.

President Hassan Rouhani's government was aiming to get sanctions lifted by the end of January, to boost pro-government candidates in 26th Feb elections to parliament and the Assembly of Experts, the clerical body that chooses the Supreme Leader.

Iran was set to reap an economic windfall once sanctions are lifted. The government has pledged to quickly boost oil production, and foreign companies were jockeying to enter the market of some 80 million people.

Nevertheless, the economy has stagnated since the deal was reached, as consumers hold off on spending until the market opens up. With no concrete improvement to voters' quality of life, the government risks losing its 'nuclear dividend' if sanctions have not been lifted before the elections; hardliners opposed to the deal would stand to gain.

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