Ahad 27 Dec 2015 09:11 WIB

National SAR Agency evacuates 103 victims of KM Marina

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams who conducted searches in the waters of North Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi and South Sulawesi for five days had found 103 victims of a total 118 passengers of KM Marina.

"There are 103 passengers of KM Marina found after five days," ​​said Director of Operations and Training of National SAR Agency (Basarnas) Brigadier General Ivan Ahmad, Friday (25/12).

He said, of the number of passengers that had been evacuated, 40 of them were still alive, but the 63 others were found die. It was derived from the data that has been collected by all posts in North Kolaka (Southeast Sulawesi) and Wajo (South Sulawesi).

KM Marina carried 118 passengers and crews, consisting of 91 adults and 19 children and toddlers. KM Marina departed from North Kolaka Port, Southeast Sulawesi to Bansalae Port, Wajo, South Sulawesi, around 11:00 local time, Saturday (19/12).

The ship was hit by a big wave and sunk. Last contact with KM Marina was in 16:00 local time. Until now, rescue teams have not been able to find KM Marina, which belonged to PT Balibis Putra Siwa.

Several SAR teams that has been jointly conducted the search were Basarnas, South Sulawesi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), SAR military, and police.

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