Ahad 27 Dec 2015 06:00 WIB

17 victims bodies of KM Marina identified

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- A total of 17 bodies of passengers of KM New Marina 2B have been identified. Identification of the victims was carried out by DVI team of Sulselbar Police at Siwa Hospital, Wajo, Friday (25/12).

Head of Medicine and Health of Sulselbar Police Commissioner Pol Raden Harjuno said that all victims of KM Marina that were taken to the hospital, could finally be identified. After that, all bodies could been returned to their family.

"It all have been identified and handed over to the respective families," said Raden Harjuno, Friday (25/12).

Thus, total bodies that have been handled by DVI team of Sulselbar Police was 20 bodies. While, three other bodies were still in Bhayangkara Hospital, Makassar.

"The rest of victims started to be identified in Kolaka Post, Southeast Sulawesi," he added.

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