Rabu 30 Dec 2015 22:16 WIB

Expert: Agricultural sector can improve in 2006

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Imam Budi Utomo/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PUROKERTO -- An expert from the Jenderal Soedirman University, Prof. Totok Agung Dwi Haryanto, said as the country enters the new year 2016, its agricultural sector is expected to see a better phase than it did in 2015.

"I am optimistic, particularly because there is no data showing a long dry season next year and the farmers will be able to optimize their land usage," Haryanto stated here on Wednesday.

He said his optimism about Indonesian agricultural conditions is also supported by the land resources' potential which can make the country's agricultural regions the most fertile in the world.

In this country, Haryanto added, growing plants can receive solar energy in large amounts which can be converted into food.

In his opinion, the El-Nino phenomena this year had resulted in the long dry season in almost all regions of Indonesia.

"Rain fell in several areas in December. Even in eastern Indonesia, several areas are predicted to receive rain in January 2016," the professor, who is part of the Agriculture Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University, stated.

He said these conditions led to significantly decreased productivity . The harvest failed, and the planting season was lost.

"The weather did not support the planting season this year, but the data showed that there has been no fall in the rice production. For 2016, I expect the conditions to be better," he added.

Nevertheless, he said the government should be ready with anticipatory measures to meet any unpredictable situations in 2016.

According to him, all ministries should be ready with such anticipatory steps.

In addition, the national planting pattern needs to be improved so areas where the harvest fails could be used for other purposes.

Haryanto explained that to make the planting pattern more attractive to farmers, the country needs certain special policies for farmers' welfare.

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