Rabu 13 Jan 2016 19:14 WIB

Police destroys hundreds of bullets and mortars found by residents


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANGKALAN -- Police officers in Socah, Bangkalan, East Java, destroyed mortars and 700 bullets found by local residents a few days ago, on Tuesday (12/1). It was conducted in Mount Cenneng, Pandebeh Village, District Kamal, Bangkalan, by East Java Police bomb squad team.

Chief Police of Socah AKP Sumono explained, explosives that destroyed include 1 mortar, 20 grenades and 700 12 millimeter caliber bullets.

"This was found by Pedeng residents, when digging the ground a few days ago," he said, Tuesday (12/1).

In this explosions, Socah Police and East Java Police bomb squad team chose Mount Cenneng as place to destroy the explosives because it was far away from the residence.

Mortar and grenade explosions were divided into two stages. The first stage was blasting mortar and 10 grenades, then the second stage was 10 grenades. While, caliber bullets were exfoliated.

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