Rabu 20 Jan 2016 15:36 WIB

Floods inundate 175 villages in Kampar

Foto: Antara/Muhammad Arif Pribadi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- Floods has inundated 175 villages in Kampar District, Riau Province, Sumatra Island.

In the Siak Hulu sub-district, 1.8 thousand households have been affected by the flooding, Siak Hulu Sub-district Head Fajri Adha stated here, Wednesday.

The local authorities have delivered relief supplies to the flood victims, including those in Lubuk Siam, Teratak Buluh, and Tanjung Balam villages in the sub-district of Siak Hulu.

In the meantime, floods have also inundated the residential areas in Sutojayan sub-district, Blitar District, East Java Province, following incessant heavy rains recently.

Several flood victims moved to higher ground, Miswan, a local resident, stated in Blitar, Tuesday.

The evacuees were accommodated in emergency tents set up by the local authorities.

The floodwaters reached a height of up to a meter on Monday evening, and on Tuesday morning, the water level subsided to 30 centimeters.

sumber : Antara
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