Kamis 21 Jan 2016 16:21 WIB

Unand invites anthropologist to discuss social conflict

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- Andalas University (Unand) in Padang invited a Dutch anthropologist, Prof. Laurens Bakker from the University of Amsterdam, to discuss the issue of conflict between mass organizations and the government.

"Prof. Laurens Bakker will share his knowledge with the students, especially about conflict mediation between mass organization and the government," Dr. Maskota Delfi, a lecturer of Andalas University, said here on Wednesday.

Delfi said the anthropologist will share his experience while conducting research ways to handle and resolve such conflicts in the province of East Kalimantan.

Prof. Laurens Bakker had conducted research in some indigenous mass organizations in the province.

"The students can explore knowledge that this great anthropologist brings with him," he said.

He remarked that Unand cooperated with the University of Amsterdam to invite the expert.

Meanwhile, in his lecture, Prof. Laurens Bakker raised the question of militancy that the mass organization indulge in for its own interest against the government regulation.

As a result, there was a disagreement that led to the dispute such as between Dayak organizations and the local government.

"In addition, the attachment with Suharto's New Order regime lends it its own color as far as the conflict's is being perceived," he said.

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