Kamis 21 Jan 2016 16:27 WIB

Fast train, Ahok: This is.. new era of transportation

Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) believes that the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train track would accelerate economic growth in both regions.

"We welcome the construction of the fast train track as it will affect economic growth," the governor stated on the sidelines of the groundbreaking ceremony of the Indonesia-China high-speed train project, here, Thursday.

Ahok noted that the Jakarta-Surabaya train track would later also be built following the successful development of the Jakarta-Bandung train route.

"We definitely laud the project, but we are actually a little late, though we must welcome the construction of the fast train track. This will launch a new era of transportation in our country," Ahok emphasized.

"The high-speed train project connecting the two cities would help to accelerate the shipment of goods," he pointed out.

"Besides improving public transport, it will also speed up the transportation of goods," Ahok noted.

The development of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train is expected to encourage other areas to build such an effective and efficient mode of transportation.

The train project was inaugurated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Mandalawanyi Maswati (Walini) tea plantation, Bandung, West Java.

The tea plantation will be the point of departure for the fast train from the Bandung area, and a transit hub would also be built in the area.

Later, the transit hub, also known as the Transit Oriented Development (TOD), would conjoin with the development of a new city of Walini.

sumber : Antara
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