Rabu 27 Jan 2016 22:44 WIB

LIPI targets to find 20 new biodiverse species in 2016

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) is targeting to identify at least 20 new biodiverse species, particularly belonging to the flora, fauna, and microorganism categories, in 2016, LIPI Deputy Chief Prof. Enny Sudharmonowati stated.

"The aim to find 20 species is a rational target. But, probably, the LIPI researchers will work hard to exceed the target even though the funds are limited," Sudharmonowati noted after the launch of a LIPI document (IBSAP 2015-2020) here on January 21.

The professor said the 20 new species were expected to be found during an NKRI 2016 Expedition in the West Papua corridor.

She suggested that various sides involved in the expedition such as students and government officials should undergo training on the current species in the inventory.