Jumat 29 Jan 2016 21:12 WIB

Lawyer denies Jessica worked at chemical factory

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Jessica Kumala Wongso
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Jessica Kumala Wongso

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lawyer of Jessica Kumolo Wongso, Andi Yusuf denied his client ever did internship at one of the chemicals companies in Australia. He added, his client never had experience as a worker in that kind of work field.

"She never worked or internship at a chemical company, never," Andi told Republika on Thursday (28/1).

Andi said Jessica was an intern at one of the design graphic companies, which related to her major in university. Thus, the news that said Jessica was a worker at chemical companies wasn't true.

Meanwhile, Forensic Pshychology expert Reza Indragiri said only certain people could have cyanide. In several countries, this chemical substance can only be purchased via the special online store.

Nevertheless, Jakarta Police general crime division head Sr. Comr. Khrisna Murti said cyanide can be found at pharmacies and chemical stores. Due to unrestrictive supervision, all people can buy it.

Mirna died after drinking coffee at Olivia Restaurant, Central Jakarta on January 6. Jessica arrived early and ordered a sazerac cocktail and Vietnamese coffee. Minutes after, Mirna and Hani arrived at the cafe. She later proceeds to drink coffee.

Shortly afterwards, she suffered from convulsions and began to foam at the mouth. She was rushed to the hospital, but died on arrival.

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